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Disassembler AGNSS 2.60

File Size:456,927 bytes (Jan 6, 2004)

AGNYAN.EXE is the trial version of Disassembler & DeCompiler for C
(AGNSS & DCC 2.60, Copyright (c) Bilyzkid Co.,Ltd. 1991-2019).

(The version of this trial one is 2.60, 32-bits Console version.)

After extracting the file from .zip...

This is a self-decompressing file.
After changed into the directory decompressed, type as follows;
lha x AGNYAN.EXE (if you have lha.exe).

The executable environment is in 32-bits Windows on Intel 80X86-CPU.
(It does not move in other CPUs or Windows 3.1.)
The executable files that can be disassembled are
all executable files in MSDOS/Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP/3.0-3.1,
and ROM/Dos-Extender, and the ones up to 16MB in size.

Other references:
See <List of all CPU instructions> for those supported in Disassembler AGNSS,
<Method to disassemble in AGNSS> to restore the complete assembly source files,
<Specification in Disassembler> for the product version in details,
and <Summary> for some profiles of our products.

<New Features of Disassembler AGNSS 2.60>

* All CPU instructions in Pentium IV (Multi-Data instructions, SIMD 2, etc.) are supported.

* All CPU instructions in Pentium III (Multi-Data instructions, SIMD, etc.) are supported.

* All CPU instructions in Pentium Pro (conditional move instructions, cmov, etc.) are supported.

* All CPU instructions in MMX Pentium (MMX instructions, etc.) are supported.

* Making source files is extended to all executable files in Windows 95, 98, and Windows 2000/NT/XP.

* Supported the new mechanism that enables to automatically
judge offset operators or immediate values correctly
for EXEs with no relocations.

* All of three moveable versions (MSDOS/Con32/Win32) are included in the product version.